We normally use the Present Simple to talk about habits and facts.

-I eat bananas every day.
-The rain falls from the clouds.
-Dogs run faster than men.

To learn the Present Simple tenses in English is really easy! Just remember that the verb is the same for almost all the Personal Pronouns.

-I come from England.
-You come from Scotland.
-We come from Great Britain.
-They come from the United States.

Only in the cases of third person (he, she, and it), we normally add an –s to the verb.

-She comes from Australia.
-Marty Comes from New Zealand.

For verbs that finish in –X, -SH, CH, -, -S, we have to add –es in the third person.

I fix my car.
Freddy fixes his dad’s car.

You wash the dishes.
Dana washes her clothes.

We catch some tangerines.
The dog catches the ball.

You impress the jury.
She impresses the teachers.

Except for the verb TO BE, the verbs in Present Simple tenses use the auxiliary DO in questions and negative sentences.

-Do you have a cell phone?
-I do not have a cell phone.
-Does Kate know the answer?
-Kate does not know the answer.


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